Monday, November 15, 2010

Life List

What started as a "30 before 30" list on my old blog has now morphed into a "life list" that is circulating the blogging world.  Many of these were already written down in a journal pre-blogging and have since been completed.  But what's a list if you can't immediately cross something off?

1.  Take a photography class
2.  Learn to ride a motorcycle
3.  Surf
4.  Go to India
5.  Apply to grad school
6.  Run a half marathon
7.  Become a better cook
8.  Go vegan for at least 3 months to see how I feel
9. Take a cross-country road trip
10.  Swim in every major ocean 

11.  Write everyday for a month

12.  Write a book.

13.  Successfully knit a scarf.

14.  Wear sunblock everyday that I go outside.

15.  Get over my fear of snakes.

16.  Learn to enjoy flying again.

17.  Finish graduate school

What goals would you like to accomplish in your life?


Teresa G. said...

I'm a huge fan of life lists! I made one called 25 things to do before 25 on my personal blog and I'm determined to do all of them!

I'm with you on #13! I can barely hold the needles :)

Peach said...

teresa, i'd love to see whats on your list!
also, i'm absolutely determined to master the needles this christmas...